Learning To Swim

New courses for Summer 2020

We are very excited that our next weekly courses for all group swimming lessons – babies, children and adults, from beginners to competent swimmers, will start from  June 27th and run for 9 weeks to finish before the start of the new school year.  Cost for the term will be $450 for once per week (9 lessons) or $695 for twice per week (18 lessons). Please register by return email and no later than June 15 so schedules can be sent out by June 22. All lessons take place at our private heated pool.

Existing 2020 customers can register by email, stating any days / times the swimmer would be unable to attend Monday to Saturday between 9am and 6pm, during the summer months. If we already hold a deposit for the swimmer from the cancelled term, nothing else is required. If not, a deposit of $100 will be required to secure the space.

New customers should return the attached registration form by return email or complete the form on our website www.aquabilityinc.com Once received we will call to arrange the payment of $100 deposit to secure the space. Please be clear about any days / times the swimmer is unable to attend.

Waiting list customers can register in the same way as a current customer.

Please read The Terms & Conditions thoroughly as well as the video and photograph policy. We also have COVID-19 protocols which are being continuously reviewed.

We look forward to seeing all our swimmers very soon. Regards